

Celebration of Learning

Examine the application of social media to support learning TikTok and YouTube are my are the social media apps that I use regularly to support learning. First of all, Youtube is full of longer videos of more than five minutes,… Continue Reading →

Week 5 Wow and Wonder post:

I enjoy Shelly’s videos. Each of her videos is about five minutes long, organized, and informative. She wants people to understand the barriers that people with disabilities and children have in education and life compared to normal people. So she… Continue Reading →

Showcase Post 1:

First of all, I have a better understanding of PLN and the importance of PLN in our daily life. As Jane(n.d.) said: “A network of trusted connections with whom an individual interacts (and learns from) regularly.” In today’s society, people… Continue Reading →

Week 4 Wow and wonder

First of all, I would like to share my own Visitor/Resident map. WowAfter reading the article and doing the quiz, I have a better understanding to identify the concept of the visitor and the resident. White & Cornu (2011) said:… Continue Reading →

Week 3 – Wow and Wonder Post

After reading the article “Connectivism: A Learning Theory for the Digital Age”, the thing that made me “Wow” was Connectivism was a new concept for me that was based on rapidly altering foundations. I agreed with the point that we… Continue Reading →

Week 2- Wow and Wonder Post

First of all, I have a better understanding of PLN and the importance of PLN in our daily life. As Jane(n.d.) said: “A network of trusted connections with whom an individual interacts (and learns from) on a regular basis.” In… Continue Reading →

Welcome and Introduction

Before proceeding with this first blog post, we expect you to consider your privacy preferences carefully and that you have considered the following options: Do you want to be online vs. offline? Do you want to use your name (or… Continue Reading →

Test Social Media Post

This post  will appear in a few places: in the blog feed on the front of your website in the Learning Design menu on your website. This is because we have applied the “edci338” category to this post and the… Continue Reading →

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